How to Choose a Best Blog Hosting For Your WordPress Blog

How to Choose a Best Blog Hosting For Your WordPress Blog

Nowadays more and more people incorporate the internet as part of their daily activities. One example is online blog emerge in large numbers. Needless to say, you are reading this article because you also want to get into the world of blogging. In the old days, people get their personal ideas published on their blog for sharing; however, with the rapid development of online marketing, people start unitizing blogging to earn money. A successful blog with a number of regular followers can become a profitable business. How can I make a successful blog? As the saying goes, “The highest eminence is to be gained step by step”, as for blogging, the imperative step is to find a right blog hosting provider that will help you to create your blog.

How to Choose a Best Blog Hosting For Your WordPress Blog

There are zillion of web hosting companies on the world who claims to offer excellent service. So how will you know which is right for you? This may become a herculean task especially for people who have little knowledge in the web hosting world. There are several aspects you need to consider while selecting the blog hosting company.

The first thing you should check is the software for you to create a blog. Popular blog systems are WordPress, b2evolution. I recommended you to use WordPress as it allows you to customize your blog, which giving it a unique presence. Ensure that your hosting server is compatible to this blog software. The minimum requirements for hosting WordPress as following: PHP 4.3 or greater, MySQL 4.1.2 or greater, the mod_rewrite Apache module. Make sure your hosting company keeps up-to-date versions these programs so as to reduce malicious attacks or viruses.


The second thing you should consider is the reliability of the blog hosting. In order to make your blog a success, you need to make sure that your blog is accessible to visitors at all times. Before signing up with a web hosting company, do a little investigation to determine if they are reliable, if they offer a good guarantee of uptime. Look for a guarantee of at least as much as 99.9 percent. Choosing a reliable blog hosting company is essential to the success of your blog.

Also, you might find it a plus if your web hosting using the Linux operating system. This is because Linux as a platform has the upper hand against the other operating system, especially, Windows. Just name a few, lower cost, greater compatibility capability, easier to use. Besides, you need to make sure that the one you choose offers a good level of on line support, as any problems that you may come across need to be fixed in the quickest possible time.

If you want to make money from blogging, make sure that you make a right decision on the basis foundation of a blog, the web hosting service. Only with a dependable partner, you can spend your time on blogging instead of dealing with technical details.

Hostease offers web hosting services with blog hosting plan, including a control panel, PHP (4 and 5), MySQL, SpamAssassin and many other great features. If you are looking to setup a blog, hostease supports many common blog platforms, including WordPress, which we highly recommend. Our network is protected by IDS/IPS to prevent any security problem. Starting at $3.95/month, you are offered with great email features (POP and IMAP), web statistics, FTP, large amounts disk space and bandwidth, park domains and sub-domains – as well as excellent support.

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Hostease is a leading web hosting company, who offers REAL 24/7 support via email, live-chat and phone for client’s satisfaction. We never overload our server. All of our plans include the latest industry features available on the market. We cater for the personal blog as well as the multiple websites for large business group. Our packages are equipped with the features needed to meet all of your requirements.

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